it was the least i could do読み方
- it was the least i could do日本語の意味:It was the léast I could dó. (1) [礼の言葉を受けて] どういたしまして. (2) [自分の力のなさを表して] せいぜいそれくらいしかしてあげられなかった.
- it was the least i could doの意味:It was the léast I could dó. (1) [礼の言葉を受けて] どういたしまして. (2) [自分の力のなさを表して] せいぜいそれくらいしかしてあげられなかった.
- "it was the key element in the movie's ability to carry an audience"読み方
- "it was the keynote of american policy toward japan"読み方
- "it was the keystone of britain's industrial empire"読み方